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The pollution decrement of using Biofuel

This project with 30 autos is testing pollution and fuel consumption of real autos before using gasohol E1, E2, and E5, while using gasohol E1, E2, and E3 and after. It also focuses on measuring and analyzing non-traditional pollution. The result conforms to overseas documents and shows autos can reduce pollution by using gasohol. There were two tests of biodiesel autos in the project. One hand it tests the autos which used biodiesel B1, B2, and B3. The result shows biodiesel can reduce pollution; the other hand it uses biodiesel B1 and super diesel to test smoke exhausting 21 times. Furthermore, sampling non-traditional pollution and analyzed it. According to the result, we directed to Bureau of Energy who spreads gasohol and biodiesel to evaluate healthy risk and benefit of pollution reduction. In order to assist Environmental Protection Administration to draw up spreading biofuel policy, we have searched and collected the biofuel policies and the actual states of each country. Meanwhile, we held four domestic consultation councils of popularizing biofuel and collected all suggestions from every department and kept them in the report. Gasohol and biodiesel used in this project have been sent to CPC to analyze and through gathering related documents; we held four seminars of establishing environmental protection standards, so that assists Environmental Protection Administration to set up specific ingredient of petrol and diesel for autos and standards of fuel properties control. To let people understand what Environmental Protection Administration has done by organizing seminars of biodiesel in every county and every city and domestic seminars of popularizing biofuel during this project.
gasohol, biodiesel, pollution reduction